No todas las mutaciones conducen a la evolución. Solo las mutaciones hereditarias, que ocurren en los óvulos o los espermatozoides, pueden transmitirse a las generaciones futuras y contribuir potencialmente a la evolución.
The increased pressure forces the carbon chain structure of whatever element into a crystalline structure since that's the most resilient molecular structure. so is A
1. 50% of the genome comes from each parent because it is crucial otherwise if the ratio changes, the zygote may not form and if formed the fetus may have some other kind of chromosome number related syndromes etc.
2. Sexual reproduction produces greater genetic variability than asexual methods. This is because of the process of crossing over during meiosis that exchange the segments of chromosome that is necessary for producing mutations and genetic variability.
3. 50% of chromosomes match with each parent because both of the parents contributed 23 chromosomes and exactly 50% of their genome.
4. The gametes must be produced by two different individuals cause that is the main purpose of sexual reproduction and give better survival like this to the forming next generation. Not to mention produces greater genetic variability among species.
5. Plants always produces both eggs because they are hermaphroditic in nature.
Energy sees a 90% decrease as it moves up trophic levels because energy is lost as metabolic heat during the transfer of energy.