They were motivated by their moral beliefs that slavery was immoral.
Abolitionist formed the Aolitionist Movement whose effort was to endAntlantic slave trade and they valued personal freedom and believed all men are equal.They(Abolitionists)became more obnoxious in their demands and slave owners entrenched in response which led to regional divisiness which resulted to American civil war. https://brainly.13th Amendment of the american constitution approved and ended slavery.
See the explanation below.
Noma Bar was born in 1973. He is an Israeli artist and graphic designer. His work is the clever combination of positive and negative shapes. His work is deceptively simple which featured flat colors, negative space and minimal details. He avoided unnecessary decoration and details to communicate the message of his images to public. His approach include minimal elements communicating maximum message and this the prime reason why his work is included in several talks, festivals and exhibition.
Encomienda, in colonial Spanish America, was a legal system by which the Spanish crown attempted to define the status of the Indian population in its American colonies. It was based upon the practice of exacting tribute from Muslims and Jews during the Reconquista (“Reconquest”) of Muslim Spain.
Perestroika or De-Stabilization meant the complete purge of all things Stalin has created. A lot of his statues were taken down all over the Soviet Union. Also Stalingrad was re-named to Volgograd. It also focused on several points to weaken the stress on the Soviet People to give them a little bit more free will. In fact during Gorbachev reign you could finally travel to some places.
True very much true God bless!!!