<span>I am learning right now the new upgrades to Gods and Kings with one in particular. After you build the Oracle you are asked if your Great Person should visit it or just start culcture bomb or golden age. What is the advantage of going to the Oracle and do you just need to be one move next to it. Had difficulty getting my Great Person to explore the Oracle.</span>
Freedom is capacity of the individual that exists outside of society.
Freedom - A person's legal competence.
This means that legally, a person that has freedom, and it is in common sense that they would have it. Outside of society, it would be different and not the same, But we still have the right to entitle freedom to ourselves
The American disabilities act forbid the discrimination of people with disabilities in the workplace and made it so that all buildings and transport had to accommodate people with disabilities so that they would have equality of opportunity like everyone else. Public transport and buildings have to be built so that disabled people can access them and workplaces have to follow those same regulations too.
1. Forms of government define how a certain government is set up. There are many different structures to how a form of government operates within its borders. With democracy being the most used today.
2. This form of government exists with its sole monarch or leader with absolute power over their government and people. Usually a king or queen, they are not restricted by any law. A monarchy usually becomes a leader by family.
3. A form of government where a non-elected monarch functions as the head of state within the limits of a constitution. Whereas an absolute monarch can do anything lawfully, a constitutional monarch has limits. Most power is held by a legislature, such as the British parliament.
Hope this helps :)