The scheme where you can find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers by repetitive application of the division algorithm is known as Euclidean Algorithm.
The Euclidean Algorithm for calculating GCD of two numbers X and Y can be given as follows:
- If X=0 then GCD(X, Y)=Y since the Greatest Common Divisor of 0 and Y is Y.
- If Y=0 then GCD(X, Y)=X since the Greates Common Divisor of 0 and X is X.
- Let R be the remainder of dividing X by Y assuming X > Y. (R = X % Y)
- Find GCD( Y, R ) because GCD( X, Y ) = GCD(Y, R ).
- Repeat the above steps again till R = 0.
A two dimensional area with recognizable boundary is called a shape
Let's take an example of the embedded system, which is a perfect example of this question as a computer system. Suppose we want the embedded system to record the details related to soil of agricultural land. We will take an IoT device which will be a sensor that can register soil properties, and get connected to the computer system through the internet. And we design an embedded system that registers these values and then copy them like somewhere in DB space on Amazon cloud or Google cloud. And finally display on some LCD or a big projector, or whatever, and like we design. Thus we have designed, and now when we install this on agriculture land, we implement it, and since check regular for correct performance, we maintain this embedded or a mini-computer system as well. This is what design, implement and maintain computer systems mean.
Please check the answer section.
The correct answer would be "C". This is because troubleshooting means searching for troubles in a system or software. B and D wouldn't make sense, but A would work better. The reason A doesn't work is because updating software isn't scanning for viruses and checking for patches.
In conclusion, the answer is C. I hope this helps. Don't worry, you can ask if you need better understanding!
The loyalty of customers to a business is called-- customer loyalty/satisfaction