One situation where you may make a different purchasing decision with a limited budget is snacks.
With a limited budget you may only purchase a small bag of potato chips. If you had a larger budget you would have purchased a can of Pringles potato chips and a drink. Your limited budget resulted in a smaller purchase than you would have made with a higher budget.
The auditor ensure proper spending of a county's money.
A county is a specific region of a state or country which has its own local government. It is created mainly because of political purposes within a state. An example is the Suffolk County on Long Island in New York City. Comparing a county with a city, a county is larger in population than any one city that is located within it.
The county treasurer is a custodian of all county money, while the auditor manages how, on what and when the money is being spent. A county's auditor has the power and responsibilities of ensuring appropriate disbursement of the money as required and confirms, by checks and balancing, how the amount disbursed has been spent.
Answer: Inelastic
A good price is inelastic if a change in price leads to a small change in quantity demanded or does not significantly affect demand for the product.
Answer to Which of the following statements best describes how Europeans have changed the land? A. They have built
Changes to Texas constitution are unlikely to happen because of a number of issues. The project is considered large and draining and stakeholders have seemed quite indifferent The document is 123 years old, and so many amendments have been effected on to it. For this reason, a lot of time and financial and human resources are required over a period of time to work on. There are also contentious issues such as Abortion and Severance tax for the Oil industry that would rather be left to the judicial system to take care of. When all factors are put into consideration, however much change is desired, it may take longer for the constitution to be rewritten.