lebih lanjut bahwa radio mempunyai fungsi sebagaimana media- media lain yaitu memberikan informasi/to inform, memberikan pendidikan/to educate, memberikan hiburan/to intertain, fungsi memengaruhi/to influence, dan fungsi pengawasan to control.
Furthermore, radio has a function like other media, namely to provide information/to inform, provide education/to educate, provide entertainment/to intertain, function to influence/to influence, and control function to contact.
D. It does not reflect any changes made in the document
A limited access is usually done by middle level and top level managers in an organisation to prevent other staff member to edit or make changes to confidential documents when they are out of the office, though the staff can read it, they can not make changes to it.
The formula if he copies correctly if not plain numbers
For example, if I was foong a bar graph about the amounts of what was in different jars, the x-axis would have the items in the jars, and the y-axis woukd have the amount of items in the jars
Answer: Yes.
Explanation: Most good businesses have to deal with conflict, whether it be law suits, unhappy customers, even occasional bad reviews could be considered conflict. although better businesses usually have less conflict than bad businesses