During the revolution in religion, the separation of church from state started. It took power away from Church leaders. As people start to think for themselves, they started to demand more power from within the church. Congregation started removing their pastors and influencing their pastors' messages and sermons to the Church. More importantly, there has been a new American concept of freedom as renewed intellectuals started studying religion. People started to question the Anglican Church structure, the head being the King of England, which eventually led to the American Revolution.
The American colonists owed their military successes to the tactics of revolutionary war they used - tactics whose elements were borrowed from the Indians and from the inhabitants of the forefront of the settlements and the border. This tactic is a tactics of loose battle, tactics of the struggle of the armed people - was widely used in the American War of Independence.
On April 9, 1775, not far from Boston, Concord and Lexington experienced the first skirmishes, and the British suffered heavy losses during the fighting. At first, the advantages were on the side of the British, but the rebels soon switched to guerrilla warfare tactics, setting up ambushes and attacks. Near Boston, a “freedom camp” was formed, where armed volunteers flocked.
Books burned by the Nazi's includes religious books, Jewish books, & any books that oppose Nazi teachings, whether directly or inderictly
hope this helps
South East 14, north-central 12, North East 9, Rocky Mountain 6, Pacific 5, and Southwest 4