You often hear that Congress is going to enact a new statute, which means that they will make it into a law. But enact also means to perform, like in a play. (Makes you wonder if the lawmakers are actors!) Inside the word enact is that little word act, meaning “to do.” I Think this is what this means
By using social media or job sites
Like a memoir, an autobiography is the author’s retelling of his or her life and told in first person point of view, making the author the main character of the story.
Autobiographies are also narrative nonfiction, so the stories are true but also include storytelling elements such as a protagonist (the author), a central conflict, and a cast of intriguing characters.
<span>An annotated bibliography is a summary and evaluation of each potential source for a research project. Annotations serves as comments in which it is the corrections or suggestions that can be made in your paper. Annoted bibliography is used for the revision of your research project and will correct the technical or grammatical error that is seen in your paper.</span>