The first-aider will be ready with a first aid kit and will be on guard in case of accidents or injuries. First aid means, the first action done on someone who is injured or not feeling well within the designated place. He/she must know some first aid treatments or methods, such as treating a cut or bruise, giving artificial ventilation and CPR, etc.
Answer: Similarities are reflected in many life situations.
When it comes to similarities from the Elizabethan era to this day, it is possible to find specific similar points. In the modern age, there were civil rights movements, in the Elizabethan period, mainly boys and girls from the upper social classes were educated, so that equality was reflected in that period. The Elizabethan era is characterized by the respect of parents and their blessing for specific actions, which is still happening today. Over the centuries, the educational process has respected what the authorities in the field of education put forward as fact. In the Elizabethan era, some theories came to the fore, and even today, students often independently examine particular views of educational authorities. We find similarities in the quality of life and nutrition. Even today, as in that period, the richer have been eating better and have a better quality of life than the poor.
A subject and a predicate
(Como não falou o ato, posso somente deduzir) Olha, não tenho certeza, mas eu já li o livro:
Caríssimo Romeu,
Não se afogue em lágrimas por um improvável amor, procuras tu a razão: Não podes tu querer casar com uma família antagônica à tua. Mas se fores mesmo perdido de amor, posso-lhe fazer algo. Volte à minha residência, que lhe quero falar. Enviarei a ti um mensageiro. Não faças nada hediondo, não fiques desatinado, não sejas teu próprio carrasco. Não faças nada com fúnebres corolários
Teu amigo e conselheiro,
Frei Lourenço
She is the correct answer.