Truman did not ask for a declaration of war, but Congress voted to extend the draft and authorized Truman to call up reservists
all except fascist government
Governments with autocratic attributes are ruled by one person who has all the power over the people in a country. The Roman Republic made Dictators to lead during times of war. In modern times, an Autocrat's rule is not stopped by any rules of law, constitutions, or other social and political institutions.
European merchants introduced maize, potatoes, tomatoes, and other crops to the Islamic empires. The state that had the most to offer to western merchants was the English.
What would happen if we don't have good citizenship then we would be all separated and would not get along. If we had good citizenship (like today) would get along easily and fairly.
Christopher Columbus is the explorer who is credited for discovering America. Of course, there were already people living in America at the time who we call Native Americans. There even was a European, Leif Ericsson, who had been to the Americas before. However, it was Columbus' voyage that started the exploration and colonization of the Americas.