They may invade privacy rights of air space and be used for other unintended acts such a bombings and espionage
Theoretically one could design an architecture that would address 16 GB of memory with 32-bits of unique addresses.
Option a: Trojan
A Trojan or Trojan horse is one of the computer malware that exist in computing world. Trojan often appears as a legitimate software to deceive user to activate it by social engineering. Once the Trojan is activated in the user computer, a hacker can remote control the infected computer for malicious purposes such as removing files, sending files, displaying message or rebooting computer.
However, Trojan cannot be replicated in the infected computer.
# Written in python
a = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
b = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
sum = a + b
# subtract the smaller number from the bigger
if a < b:
dif = a - b
dif = b - a
prod = a * b
print("The sum is", sum)
print("The dif is", dif)
print("The product is", prod)