The correct answer is letter D. Hector Belioz was a very influential French Romantic composer best for his known compositions called Symphonie Fantastique and Grande Messe Des Morts (Requiem). With some of his works, he had made significant contributions to the modern orchestra and has conducted several orchestras through his lifetime.
Although Titanic's main characters Rose and Jack were entirely fictional, thus there was no such romance between a first-class woman and a third-class man, they were inspired to an extent by some real-life people, though Rose's inspiration has no connection to the Titanic.
Foi uma nova arte.
Em seu manifesto O Nascimento da Sexta Arte, publicado em 1911, o teórico do cinema italiano Ricciotto Canudo argumentou que o cinema era uma nova arte, "uma conciliação soberba dos Ritmos do Espaço (os Artes Plásticos) e dos Ritmos do Tempo (Música e Poesia). ", uma síntese das cinco artes antigas: arquitetura, escultura, pintura, música e poesia (cf. Hegel's Lectures on Aesthetics).
Canudo mais tarde acrescentou a dança como um sexto precursor, uma terceira arte rítmica com música e poesia, tornando o cinema a sétima arte. Em Paris, fundou uma revista de vanguarda La Gazette des sept arts em 1920, e um clube de cinema, o CASA (Club des amis du septième art), em 1921. Seu ensaio mais conhecido Réflexions sur le septième art ("Reflexões sobre a sétima arte ") foi publicada em 1923 após vários rascunhos anteriores, todos publicados na Itália ou na França.
Adjusting the number of servings of a recipe is called scaling, and broadly speaking, it involves multiplying (to increase) or dividing (to decrease) the quantities of the individual ingredients in the recipe.
More often, though, you're not making exponentially bigger recipes, you're simply looking to double, or quadruple, or maybe halve, a recipe. And the recipes that best lend themselves to this kind of manipulation are soups, sauces, and stews. With that said, multiplying seasonings can also prove tricky. If you're making a quadruple batch of spaghetti sauce, you might not need four times the salt; start with twice the salt and taste as you go.
Dont know if it helps