Greta Thunberg has attracted international attention since her lone demonstration outside the Swedish Parliament in August 2018. Her “school strike for the climate” has now grown into a global movement that has brought more than 10 million people onto streets worldwide to demand action on climate change.
The Russian Revolution happened in 1917.
The Russian Revolution of 1917 was an important event in twentieth-century world history. France's state revolution in 1789 AD affected Europe's life on a deeper level by propagating the spirit of freedom, equality and brotherhood. The pervasiveness of the Russian Revolution was much broader than all the political events so far.
This revolution not only brought an end to autocratic, monocratic, autocratic, zarchic rule, but ended the economic and social power of the elite landlords, feudalists, capitalists etc. and established the first power of workers and peasants in the world.
Despite very little documentary evidence as to the origins of the organization, Boston Patriot Samuel Adams is often credited as being the founder and leader of the Sons of Liberty<span>. The </span>Sons of Liberty<span> was most likely organized in the summer of 1765 as a means to protest the </span>passing<span> of the Stamp </span>Act<span> of 1765.</span>
When Albert Einstein signed the declaration of independence in Virginia , James’s town