He has 420 cards. if you have 30 packs and 14 in each just 30*14
4/25.Example say if it was a tatol of 25pizzas slice you would have to give 4to a friend.Cause 4is a bigger #of 2 .Like 25is a bigger number then 15!
Overfishing occurs when more fish are removed from an ecosystem than can be maintained by the population,
Overfishing can lead to significant population declines in economically important species. The passage describes
additional impacts of overfishing on populations.
pressure affects
salmon fishery of
and 1970s, pink
n this fishery were
ihile allowing
nd 1974, the
inland spawning
to spawn at the
Isted that fishing
lower growth rates
According to the passage, which mechanism explains the observed changes in fish size over time?
A. Smaller fish produce fewer eggs than larger fish do, so they contribute fewer offspring to the next
B. Fish that are small enough to escape fishing nets are more likely to survive than larger fish.
C. Scientists found that Atlantic silversides exhibited changes in feeding and foraging rates after four
generations of selection,
D. The average size of pink salmon returning to spawn decreased from 6.0 pounds to approximately 4.5
1= -15 °C
2= 7 minutos y medio
Step-by-step explanation:
1= colo la temperatura va bajando 2 grados cada minuto lo único que hay que hacer es restarle 30 °C a 15 y nos da -15 ° C
2= Solo divides 15 entre 2 y ya.