While it's true that Fossils hardly even contain DNA, they can still provide numerous clues in order to identify and verify an organism.
For example, in terms of Dinosaurs, their bones and fossils have provided enough evidence to provide an evolutionary link with modern birds.
Carbon dating is another way to find the age of a fossil which provides more information on it's surrounding habitat and the animals it interacted with.
The function of the pleura is to allow optimal expansion and contraction of the lungs during breathing. The pleural fluid acts as a lubricant, allowing the parietal and visceral pleura to glide over each other friction free. This fluid is produced by the pleural layers themselves.
a North American swamp or bog consisting of a mixture of water and partly dead vegetation, frequently covered by a layer of sphagnum or other mosses.
A cervical collar was used to avoid movement and prevent further damage incase he has a fracture.
light is focused in one eye,the pupil will constrict as a respond to the light flashed. It is repeated Again and observed.
The vitals were normal until he had the accident as the patient reached hospital his vitals were abnormal he had achycardia, severe hypotension, increased temperature and shallow breathing which is an indicator of C5 injury. After the surgery and the patient was treated he stabilises and achieved his vitals normal ranges in day 4 of admission.
The X ray result shows he has fracture of the 5th cervical bone.
The blood test shows he has a decreased pH level and an alteration in
his breathing pattern shows he has respiratory acidosis
Cranial tongs was uses to immobilize the neck and prevent it from moving it also aid healing
After the operation it was revealed that he has a damage on both sides of of his 5th Cervical bone which has lead to loss of sensation and strength in his upper arms and lower .It leads to incontinence in urine.
Answer: mimicry, camouflage, poison, reduction in size and stature, and changing habitats.
Hope this helped you!