It is essentially a broth culture filtrate of the penicillium mould.
- Alexander Fleming invented penicillin an antibiotic in 1928. These have been rated as the most important scientific discovery, being among the first antibiotics to be effective against bacterial infection.
- Penicillin belongs to different families that are selective against a large variety of bacteria.
- In fact, this antibiotic was discovered by fleming and accident in which he left a platter containing staphylococci open and was contaminated by green mould. There was an area of inhibited bacterial growth around the mould from which he inferred that the mould produced a material that inhibited bacterial growth. This was found to be a penicillium mould through further study.
- I assume penicillin is the most significant discovery so far because it was the first antibiotic ever discovered against bacterial infection in the absence of any drug.
Para determinar la distancia a la que se encuentra una gaviota respecto del nivel del mar, es necesario medir la altura a la que se encuentra volando. Así, dado que el nivel del mar tiene una altura considerada como de 0 metros, si la gaviota está volando a unos 500 metros de altura, por ejemplo, esa será su distancia respecto del nivel del mar.
2: C. Producer
3: D. Food chains are linear and food webs are complex
<em>Some benefits of genetic engineering in agriculture are increased crop yields, reduced costs for food or drug production, reduced need for pesticides, enhanced nutrient composition and food quality, resistance to pests and disease, greater food security, and medical benefits to the world's growing population</em>.
Sexual selection example; The brightness of the feathers of a peacock. You may also see similar traits in other birds, where some dance and show off bright feathers to attract a mate, where other build nests. These specific traits do not increase their chance of survival, and are not learned. They increase their fitness because they increase their chances of reproduction and passing on their genes.
Survival of the fittest = Survival of those who survive, and reproduce