Please find the explanation below
Deoxyribosenucleic acid, commonly called DNA is the stored form of genetic material in living cells. It contains the information needed by an organism to survive. A segment of the DNA that encodes the necessary information needed to produce a particular protein that determines a trait is called GENE.
The DNA consists of long polynucleotide chains, hence, due to Its length, it cannot git into the cell. The cell then devises a means by wrapping the long strands of DNA around certain proteins called HISTONES. This initially forms a NUCLEOSOME structure, then continuous wrapping around histones and condensation forms the visible CHROMOSOME structure.
Now, the CHROMOSOME contains the DNA molecule, which contains protein-coding segments called GENES. The information contained on the gene is used to produce a protein that is responsible for a particular TRAIT in the organism.
Habitat is a place in which organisms live, and niche is the way in which an organism fits into its habitat
An organism's DNA affects how it looks, how it behaves, and its physiology. So a change in an organism's DNA can cause changes in all aspects of its life. Mutations are essential to evolution; they are the raw material of genetic variation. Without mutation, evolution could not occur.
The organism wil probably die
Probability is a mathematical construction that determines the likelihood of occurrence or nonoccurrence of events that are subjected to chance factor. Thus the farmers are interested to know the probability of occurrence of rain before and after spraying. ... In this regard probability plays a great role