Inside the cells of plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria, chlorophyll, and enzymes use the light energy to rearrange the atoms of the reactants to form the products, molecules of glucose and oxygen gas.
It depends.... lets say that a mom is a carrier of colorblindness, so only one of her sons will have colorblindness and one of her daughters will be a carrier but if it is on both X's (of the female's) then both of her daughters will be carriers and her sons will both be colorblind.
A adaptation is the action or process of adapting or being adapted
is mostly when a animal is adapted to something.
The correct answer is - option D.
In algae or any other photosynthetic organism, there is the internalization of carbon dioxide gas in the reaction with water in the presence of sunlight to produce sugar molecules and oxygen gas in the atmosphere. So, photosynthesis is the process that releases or produces oxygen gas.
In cellular respiration (aerobic) the product of photosynthesis, glucose molecules, and oxygen react to produce the energy and releases carbon dioxide and water as byproducts.
So, the correct answer is - option D.
One type of landform formed by wind would be sanddunes. This is the only landform I can think of formed by wind. The wind blows the sand along so that it builds up into a dune perhaps when it hits an obstacle like a small rocky spur and whole deserts can be converted into dunes.