c. Clinical or Counseling
According to his dealing with those stressful situations he is most likely to be interested in the clinical implementations of psychology because a clinical psychologist is required to be very polite and should be able to deal with the patients that are in a state of emotional disturbance and unpredictable outcomes can occur with them. The stress management play an important in shaping the career of a clinical psychologist.
The diagnosis will be variant creutzfeldt jakob disease or as called as vCJD. The variant creutzfeldt jakob disease is an intermittent and fatal human neurodegenerative illness. The ingestion of food of bovine origin contaminated with the agent of bovine spongiform encephalopathy which is a disease of cattle and has been strongly connected to the existence of vCJD in humans.
I think the answer you are looking for is that the stomach is the fourth level of organization.
ARISTOTLE first classified organisms.... in 4th century B.C.
Organisms exhibit various levels of organization of the body. It includes cellular level, tissue level, organ level, organ system level of organization. The unicellular organisms have single cells as their bodies and therefore do not have the genes that regulate the various parts of the body rather than the individual cells. Prokaryotic are unicellular organisms only and do not have multiple cells in their bodies. Therefore, the mentioned genes are the regulatory genes that coordinate the functioning of various parts of the body of a multicellular organism. For instance, the genes involved in regulation of blood glucose levels.