Governments use normative economics, and businesses use positive economics.
Normative economics concentrates on the importance of economic equity, or what the marketplace 'should be' or 'ought to be' whether positive economics is based on experience and cannot be confirmed or disallowed, normative economics is established on worth judgments. An example of positive economics is, an increment in tax rates eventually results in a reduction in total tax wealth. On the other hand, normative economics is, unemployment hurts an economy more than inflation.
Opening statement
prosecutions case
defense case
direct examination
redirect examination
cross examination
recross examination
closing arguments
charge to the jury
The action that has come to symbolize the end of the Cold War is 3. tearing down the Berlin Wall. The Wall had been formed by the Soviet Union to separate East Berlin (Soviet-controlled) from West Berlin (Western-controlled). Its fall allowed Berliners (and Germans) from the Eastern half finally make their way to the Western half.
Answer: Long before the “Trail of Tears” occurred, Native Americans were forcibly removed from their land in the name of conquest and American Manifest Destiny, or the belief that white settlers had the right to expand and occupy all territory in the Western hemisphere. This belief of conquest was ingrained in American culture, rearing its ugly head time and time again in American history. But the Trail of Tears was one of the most jarring incidents of Native American genocide, and not only left thousands of Native Americans dead, but destroyed vibrant culture.