1) <span>the solar system and light formed.
2) </span> Earth<span>'s formation, approximately 4,5 billion years ago.
3) </span>the creation of the atmosphere through volcanic out gassing; <span>Earth's primitive atmosphere made a transition to an </span>oxygen<span> rich atmosphere.
4) </span>formation of landmass and oceans.
5) the creation of life; <span> there is evidence of the earliest appearance of eukaryotes.</span>
There is a 99% chance the baby will have blue eyes if both parents have blue eyes, a 50% chance of blue eyes from a blue eyed and green eyed parent, 50% chance for a baby to have blue eyes from a brown and blue eyed parent, and a 6.25% chance of getting blue eyes from 2 brown eyed parents.
implantation – the process by which the zygote attaches to the uterine wall.