Piracy is a term used to describe the practice of obtaining or using software in a manner that is illegal or not in keeping with the terms under which the software was distributed. This can range from purchasing or copying the software, to using the software without a license, to selling, renting, or otherwise distributing it without authorization.<span>The Business Software Alliance estimated the losses to software companies in 2005 as a result of piracy at over $30 billion.</span>
Overflow occurs when the magnitude of a number exceeds the range allowed by the size of the bit field. The sum of two identically-signed numbers may very well exceed the range of the bit field of those two numbers, and so in this case overflow is a possibility.
Java provide all the ADTs you need,therefore you do not need to create any newones.
This statement is not true.
ADTs are those data types which we use but we didn't know their inner working that is how it is working what is happening inside.It is commonly used for Data Structures for example:- In stack we use push and pop operations to insert and to delete element from a stack respectively but we didn't know how it is happening inside.How the stack is implemented and etc.Java provides most of the ADT's but not all.