\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Operating system///////////////////////
Is the Answer
lectronic Health Record (EHR) Software. ...
Medical database software. ...
Medical research software. ...
Medical diagnosis software. ...
Medical imaging software. ...
E-prescribing software. ...
Telemedicine software. ...
Appointment scheduling (booking) software.
When it's too hot or too cold.
When a bulb of the wrong size or voltage is used in the fixture, the ballast often overheats, causing the light to shut off. The bulbs and the fixture must also match in frequency, or the ballast becomes overworked and overheated.
25% chance.
There is 25% chance it'll be h*m*zygous red, 50% chance it'll be h*t*rozygous red, and 25% chance it'll be h*m*zygous wh*te.
(Censored because it wouldn't let me post it for some reason. Honestly hope this doesn't work.)