Plant to animal to atmosphere.
- The carbon cycle describes the recycling of carbon from and back to the atmosphere.
- Plants utilize the carbondioxide present in the atmosphere to produce carbohydrates in the presence of light through the process of photosynthesis.
- When plants are consumed by animals, the carbon becomes a part of the animal.
- Animals break down glucose molecules into energy (ATP), releasing water and carbondioxide in a process called cellular respiration.
- This carbondioxide, as it is useless for animal cells, is released back into the atmosphere through gaseous exchange in the lungs.
Answer: Protiens help provide structural support for our metabolism, and they can act as enzymes, carriers, or hormones to help us. They provide growth and maintenence and also act as messengers for our brain. They bolster our immune system and also transport/store nutrients. Basically, they do a whole lot!
Función. Los ribosomas son responsables de la síntesis de proteínas, en un proceso conocido como traducción. La información necesaria para esa síntesis se encuentra en el ARN mensajero (ARNm), cuya secuencia de nucleótidos, determina la secuencia de aminoácidos de la proteína.
Carbohydrates are produced during the dark reaction of photosynthesis.
The sentence that best describes what Colton discovers is D) The mass of the melted ice cube remained the same at 4 grams.
The melting of the ice cube is a physical process. That means that it is a process in which the identity of the substance (water) doesn't change, but only how their molecules are arranged.
In melting, a substance in the solid state changes to the liquid state. Its molecules go from having a definite volume and shape to having the same shape as the container that holds it, but there are no changes in the mass of the substance.
If the container is closed, Colton should record the same mass as the initial one, as mass doesn't change in physical processes.
Have a nice day!