Groundwater is located underground in large aquifers and must be pumped out of the ground after drilling a deep well. Surface water is found in lakes, rivers and streams and is drawn into the public water supply by an intake.
recover damages
From the explanation above,we can deduce or conclude that this is a clear case of fraud in which the aforementioned parties which are Don(victim)a and Eve(perpetrator) of this case of fraud.
First and foremost,we should have an idea of what fraud means or connotes-It is an intentional or purposeful act deception by a individual(s) or body as the case may be towards another individual(s) or entity for the purpose of financial or material gains,not minding the medium in which it was portrayed.And it centres around lies,in order to convince or confuse the victim as the case maybe.
So in this case,Eve having lied to Don about having access to a stock-trading algorithm which could multiply an investment and thus,it wasn't so,then Don would have to file a suit and a proof of injury is required to recover damages in order to void the contract and get back money paid earlier on the basis of the contract,instead of affirming the contract because no sort of financial gains were made in the stock-trading transaction.
The EPA can hold Alpha Chemicals liable for the cleanup costs, because it did not conduct appropriate inquiries.
First of all, Alpha Chemicals Inc. was supposed to conduct a contamination test before buying the land as a matter of due diligence. As long as Mantel Corp has been liquidated under the bankruptcy law and hence cannot be held liable as all debts, including the contaminated has been discharged by law. It is the duty of Alpha Chemicals to have all the information about the piece of land before going ahead to buy it. Hence, the EPA will be right to hold Alpha Chemicals liable for the cleanup costs because the appropriate inquiries was not made before acquiring the land.
Because the Caribbean invests a lot in tourism and transportation is essential in tourism.
The Caribbean region is very dependent on tourism and tourism, in turn is very dependent on an efficient and reliable transport network, where tourists will be able to move around the region with sufficient comfort and security. Without safe transport, the Caribbean region would not be able to maintain one of its main economic sources.