Dried cloves are key ingredient
Start of sentence is capitalized. "Indian is capitalized
Monsters and heroes is a fiction which is about the history and journey of a hero and is very famous and well known.
Monster and heroes is a fiction which consists of parts in it and all the parts are very famous and well known. All the parts mostly talk about the journey of a hero of the fiction. This is the central idea of the story.
Joseph Campbell's work with Mono myth is absolutely the most notable. In his book, "The Hero with a Thousand Faces", he maps out the essential account example of pretty much every story out there and really comes it down into seventeen phases in three stages. Others have made comparable examples or further consolidated Campbell's into twelve or so steps, however Campbell's work is commonly viewed as the most huge.
Answer: I believe E does not apply to the definition of a theory.
Answer: The sentences are: When you experience a new place, it enhances your understanding of other people.;
After traveling to a national park, people feel a greater appreciation for nature.;
You should travel somwhere you have never been because you can explore a new place.
Explanation: Complex sentence is when a sentence has one independent clause, which is the main clause and one or more dependent clause. One independent clause or main clause means that the sentence can stand by itself.
Subordinating conjunctions are often used to link the sentences, normally a dependent sentence to an independent one. Their function, in conjunction with the dependent sentence, is to stabilish a place, a reason, a time, a concession or a comparison. The most common conjunctions are if, when, although, because, before, even though and until.
28 East Street
San Diego, CA 92154
22nd January, 2020.
Dear Mary,
How are you doing? How are your family members? I spoke to your mum recently and she told me that you do not like to read.
The aim of writing this letter to you is to tell you about the importance of reading. Reading is vital to out development as human beings. When we read, we learn new things and improve our knowledge.
Reading gives us an edge over others who don't and also make us aware of the happenings around us. Reading novels, articles or journals can also improve our vocabulary and also enrich your thought.
Lastly, as leaders of tomorrow, it is vital for us to read in order to shape our mind and also be able to speak on several topics such as politics, sports, science and technology etc when the need arises.
I hope to hearing from you soon.
Your loving friend,