1) African American weren't just fighting for themselves but they fought for everyone that dealt with injustice and inequality.They didn’t selfishly take all they can get for themselves. African Americans whether in slavery or segregation kept fighting. Then they started a movement that would change the United states forever.
2) The Native Americans fought in war and in the courtroom to get their land back that was taken from them. Showing that if you really want it you have to fight for it.
3) Women have created voting rights for themselves and give more of an opinion in politics. They fought for what they believed in. They had a thirst for equality.
Answer:panish-American War, (1898), conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America.
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand that lead to the devastating, destructive period known as WWI.
Negotiations did not go well. powhatan excuse himself, then he and his family, including Pocahontas, departed into the woods unbeknownst to Smith and his men in the fall of the 1609 Smith left Virginia because of severe gunpowder Wound. Pocahontas and powhatan we're told that Smith died on the way back to England.