It was very early in the morning, the streets clean and deserted, I was walking to the station. As I compared the tower clock with my watch I realized that it was already much later than I had thought, I had to hurry, the shock of this discovery made me unsure of the way, I did not yet know my way very well in this town; luckily, a policeman was nearby, I ran up to him and breathlessly asked him the way. He smiled and said: “From me you want to know the way?” “Yes,” I said, “since I cannot find it myself.” “Give it up! Give it up,” he said, and turned away with a sudden shout, like people who want to be alone with their laughter.
yes it did
"As Coyotito's cries diminish into moans, Juana asks Kino to summon the doctor."
In the essay piece "Survivor's Guilt: The Moral Logic of Survivor Guilt," published by author Nancy Sherman, she investigates the sentiments of guilt that servicemembers and women face after being exposed to traumatic events. They must survive an incidence in which they are deemed to be responsible for the death or injury of another person or group of people in order to be eligible for parole. Furthermore, they are haunted by feelings of guilt because of their incapacity to save them from themselves.
"Survivor guilt" is a negative emotion that emerges when a person has survived a difficult situation of any type, such as a natural disaster. In the aftermath of a sad occurrence, survivors may have overwhelming emotions of guilt that are difficult to manage. Soldiers' moral recovery is dependent on their capacity to forgive themselves and not be concerned with their own suffering, as described above.
According to the article "The Moral Logic of Survivor Guilt," survivors may experience guilt even though they have done nothing wrong. This is since it happens much too often, and people who have done wrong should feel bad about themselves. When dealing with survivor guilt after a natural disaster or terrorist attack, there is a way to produce a solution that both people can agree on.
As evidence, below are a few notable points. Some examples include the following, all of which should be considered:
The fact that one has survived a natural disaster may make one feel guilty about his or her situation.
It is one way to share some of your bad luck: Sob uncontrollably in sorrow over your sins.
It is only through the mix of self-forgiveness and self-apathy that soldiers' morale may be restored.
Finding the perfect balance between a soldier's work and personal life might be difficult for him or her.
(305 words)
O% plagiarism in my answer. Please change words to make it your own work. :)
Letter to father who's abroad telling him about the difficulties that I am experiencing.
ABC Apartments
16th Avenue
New Jersey
12 May, 2020
Daddy Dearest,
I hope you are doing fine and well. I know it's been a long time I have written to you and I sincerely apologized for that. I will try to make my letters as frequent as possible from now.
Anyway, I am writing to you to tell you about the recent difficulties I am facing these days. Daddy, it's hard being away from you. You know I always come to you more than I do with mom. And now, with you being so far away, I sometimes feel so alone and unable to clear my head. I miss your guidance and our "talks". I know I can talk about all these things with mom too, but with you, it's like a special bond.
The thing is, Dad, I have some trouble navigating what I should do with my life. You know I'm going to finish college soon and then comes the hard part of choosing or rather, making life decisions. And for that, I need your advice and talks. If you were here, it would have been so much easier. I am confused about what I have to do, worried about not doing the right thing, or even not choosing what's best for me or for the family.
Moreover, I also have to think about what you and mommy want me to do and expect of me. Why does life have to be so hard? Dad, when you were my age, what did you do? How did you know you have made the right decision?
I hope you can come home as soon as you can so that I can talk to you. Mommy and the whole family sends their love.
Hope to see you real soon. We miss you, Daddy.
With all my love,