Their fur color is very similar to the color of the bark on the eucalyptus tree.
House Cat: Felis catus
Mountain Lion: Felis concolor
Domestic dog: Canis lupus familiaris
Human: Homo sapiens
- The cat (Felis catus) is a kind of domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. It is the only domestic species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to get varied from the wild members of the family.
- The mountain lion's scientific name is Puma concolor,
- The domestic dog is a member of the family with genus Canis (canines), which forms a basic part of the wolf-like canids, and is the most widely abundant terrestrial carnivore.
- Humans belong to a family called Homo sapiens.
The uneven warming of the earth surface causes land and sea breeze over the land and water.
Water has a very high specific capacity and it takes more heat to cause a fractional increase in its temperature. During day, the air around water is cold and dense and under high pressure.
The land adjacent to the water, is a better conduct with a low specific heat capacity. When warming of the earth starts by the sun, the air on land heated by heat radiated from the surface. Air on land is warm, less dense and light.
This forces the air on land to move seaward and the cold air from the sea to move land ward and a sea breeze is set up.
At night the reverse is the case. The land loses heat very fast and the air around it is cold and dense. The water body does not lose heat so fast and the air around is warm and lighter. Air from the land replaces that on the surface of water and a land breeze is set up
learn more:
Heat transfer from the sun
Answer: The answer is 50% percent
The parents type mixes and creates an O or a different blood type.