The value when 34 is divided by 5323 is 0.00639.
<h3>What is division?</h3>
It should be noted that division simply means the opposite of multiplication. It represents the way numbers are combined in order to make new numbers.
The steps include:
1: Take the dividend's first digit starting from the left in step one. Verify if this digit exceeds or is equal to the divisor.
2. Next, divide it by the divisor, and write the result as the quotient on top.
3. Subtract the outcome from the digit, and then put the difference below.
4: Decrease the dividend's subsequent digit (if present).
5: Carry out Step 4 again.
In this case, 34 divided 5323 will be 0.00639. It should be noted that this illustrates a decimal.
Learn more about division on:
The 98% confidence interval for the true difference between testing averages for students using Method 1 and students using Method 2 is (-8.04, 0.84).
Step-by-step explanation:
The (1 - <em>α</em>)% confidence interval for the difference between population means is:

The information provided is as follows:

The critical value of <em>z</em> for 98% confidence level is,

Compute the 98% confidence interval for the true difference between testing averages for students using Method 1 and students using Method 2 as follows:

Thus, the 98% confidence interval for the true difference between testing averages for students using Method 1 and students using Method 2 is (-8.04, 0.84).
The seller marks up the price by $500, for a grand total of $10,500
11 1/2
Step-by-step explanation:
Total number is 40
Percentage asked is 75

= 30
Therefore the correct answer is 30