What you need to do is make sure the denominators are the same so multiply 7/10 by 6. It should now be 42/60. Next multiply 3/6 by 10. It should now equal 30/60.
7/10 = 42/60.
3/6 = 30/60.
7/10 is greater.
I hope this was somewhat helpful :3
Step-by-step explanation
By using midpoint formula :
(X,Y) = (X1+X2/2) ,(Y1+Y2/2)
in decimal form it is 45.2
in exact form it is 32 squareroot 2
Answer: 25w+200 > 750</h3>
He starts off with 200 cards. Then he adds on 25w more cards for each week (w). Overall, he'll have 200+25w cards
We can think of it like this:
- After 1 week, he adds on 25*1 = 25 cards
- After 2 weeks, he adds on 25*2 = 50 cards total
- After 3 weeks, he adds on 25*3 = 75 cards total
- After 4 weeks, he adds on 25*4 = 100 cards total, and so on.
- After w weeks, he adds on 25w cards total
So that's another way to see where the 25w comes from.
The expression 200+25w is the same as 25w+200. This is because we can add two numbers in any order.
Since he wants to know when he'll have more than 750 cards, this means we set 25w+200 greater than 750.
That's how we get to the answer of 25w+200 > 750
Notice how there isn't a line under the inequality sign. We aren't using the "greater than or equal to" symbol here. We want to know when the cards gets over 750, but we don't want to know when it's equal to 750.