Merchandising. That is, if that is one of your answer choices. Chances are, they won't be selling the reef any time soon.
O2 affinity depends on the pCO2 and pH.
Higher pH -> Higher O2 affinity -> Higher O2 saturation at higher pH level
Higher pCO2 -> Lower O2 affinity -> Higher O2 saturation at lower pCO2 level
This is a benefit because it allows the affinity of Hb in venous blood conditions (lower pO2, higher pCO2, and lower pH) to be much lower than in arterial conditions. Therefore, when blood goes from arterial to venous, the oxygen concentration decreases much more dramatically due to more oxygen (around 2x) being released to the tissues, which is possible due to the changes in affinity caused by the Bohr effect.
please give brainliest
Because there is a limited amount of compost with a limited amount of minerals. In the garden there is loads of soil and loads of minerals. because of decomposition and absorption minerals can easily be replaced in the garden soil, unlike in a plant pot.