Brown Vs Board of Education sparked debate on civil rights as described in the Constitution.
Roe Vs Wade was about women's right to abortion.
Bush Vs Gore determined who won the election in Florida and ultimately the presidential election.
In the last case, state law in Florida required recount of ballots if the totals were very close. But Gore only requested recounts in four counties. FL Supreme Court ordered a statewide recount instead. US Supreme Court stepped in and ruled that FL court's action violated the Equal Protection Clause in the Constitution by using different standards of counting in different counties. The recount was stopped and Bush won.
It seems that you have missed the necessary options that we can choose from, but anyway, here is the answer. The one that best explains Chaucer’s choice to include a “Prologue” in The Canterbury Tales is <span>to explain the purpose of the narrative to follow. Hope this answers your question.</span>
<span><span>Understand the purposeBefore writing, think about the purpose of the letter. Consider how formal the letter should be, and establish a proper tone for the letter. These letters should almost never have a conversational tone, but there are certainly different levels of formality. Unless you know the person reading the letter, address the recipient as, "To whom it may concern" in the greeting.</span><span>Introduce the subjectTell the reader who you are recommending for which position or program. Then give a brief summation of the reasons you are recommending the person.</span><span>List accomplishments and character traitsProvide more details about what it is like to work or interact with the subject. List skills and other characteristics that pertain to the position. Avoid listing unrelated information, but remember that some personality traits or skills may be applicable, even if they are not explicitly related. Do not assume a non-nursing skill is not applicable to nursing; give it some thought.</span><span>Predict the futureBefore concluding, write a paragraph that tells how you anticipate the subject's performance if accepted to the target program or position. For example: "I am confident that XX will be a perfect fit and has the skills to succeed in the YY position (or program)."</span><span>Close and signEnd the letter with a formal closing such as "Sincerely," or "Sincere thanks." If possible, be sure to include an actual signature, generally placed above a typed version of your name.</span></span>
<span>It is clear that the French society viewed the war as being one of difficulty and hardship, despite the fact that the noblemen did not have to sacrifice their lives for the cause. This was a clear portrayal of differentiation in mentality among the French society during this era.</span>