Eaten is the past participle for eat.
yes she kisses back, before that they were flirting, and saying poems to one another . She means that Romeo would be wonderful, no matter what name he was called. For the other questions, students’ answers will vary a bit. Names, they might argue, actually do matter and Juliet is somewhat wrong. If, for example, your parents were hippies and named you Moonbeam Smith, you might have grown into a different version of yourself because of the way the world treats someone named Moonbeam. It’s fun to think about how your name influences people’s reactions to you. The answers to the second part will vary and often lead to an interesting full-class discussion.
He believes that dreams hold the secret of your fate/
destiny. He would agree with modern dream interpreters that the subjects of our dreams tell us a lot about
our lives
The feminine beauty ideal is "the socially constructed notion that physical attractiveness is one of women's most important assets, and something all women should strive to achieve and maintain". Feminine beauty ideals are rooted in heteronormative beliefs, and heavily influence women of all sexual orientations.
Based on the paragraph, the underlying emotion that is described is Lara's nervousness. There are many phrases that pinpointed to this emotion, and these are as follows: hesitated, sweaty, downcast eyes, shuffled, timidly. These speak of a person that is uncertain or afraid.
She cannot be excited because of the word "timidly" which is the exact opposite of excitement.
She cannot be disappointed because it seems that it is just the first time for her to be in the class thus she does not have any expectations yet.
Compassion is simply out of context in this paragraph.