Interest calculation is based on the Principle amount of $2,500,000 borrowed .
The expected before-tax IRR on a potential real estate investment is 14%
The expected after-tax IRR is 10.15%
Therefore, the effective tax rate on this investment can be calculated as follows
Effective tax rate= 1-(after-tax IRR/before-tax IRR)
Effective tax rate= 1-(10.15/14)
= 1-0.75
= 0.25×100
= 25%
Hence the effective tax rate is 25%
The amount and character of Susan's gain or loss from the sale is $10,000 capital loss; $20,000 ordinary income.
Susan's share of unrealized receivables is $20,000 ($60,000 unrealized receivables into 1 by 3 interest). Susan will thus in the books record $20,000 of ordinary income and a $10,000 capital gain.
Susan’s share of unrealized receivable is $ 20000. Susan will recognize $20000 of ordinary income and a $10000 capital gain determined as the differnce the option shall be between the total gain of $30000 and the ordinary income of $20000. The answer from the given option is $10,000 capital loss; $20,000 ordinary income.