Two main factors that must be taken in consideration are temperature and the pH level.
The temperature shouldn’t be too low as it slows down the rate of reaction, meaning that the enzyme will work slower, but also not too high as it will cause the enzyme to denature (stops working as it should).
The pH level is pretty much the same, shouldn’t be not too low nor too high.
When you change the order of the base pairs in an organism, that is called a mutation. There are three types of mutations: a deletion, an addition, and a substitution. In a deletion, one of the three bases in a codon is pulled out, or deleted.
Both climate change and humans were responsible for the extinction of some large mammals, according to research that is the first of its kind to use genetic, archeological, and climatic data together to infer the population history of large Ice Age mammals.
Actually, in physical cosmology, Big Bang nucleosynthesis (or primordial nucleosynthesis) refers to the production of nuclei other than H-1, the normal, light hydrogen, during the early phases of the universe, shortly after the Big Bang. About first millisecond, the universe had cooled to a few trillion kelvins (1012 K) and quarks finally had the opportunity to bind together into free protons and neutrons. Free neutrons are unstable with a half-life of about ten minutes (614.8 s) and formed in much smaller numbers. The abundance ratio was about seven protons for every neutron. Before one neutron half-life passed nearly every neutron had paired up with a proton, and nearly every one of these pairs had paired up to form helium. By this time the universe had cooled to a few billion kelvins (109 K) and the rate of nucleosynthesis had slowed down significantly.