The definition of function is as follows:
def typing_speed(number_of_words,Time_Interval):
return speed
Above function is defined step-by-step as follows:
def typing_speed(number_of_words,Time_Interval):
- A function named typing speed has two arguments, num_of_words and Time_Interval.
- The variable number_of_words is the number of words entered that a person enters, they must be greater than or equal to 0. Where as Time_Interval is the variable for counting the time span in seconds, it must be greater than 0.
return speed
- For determining result firstly the seconds are converted int minutes by multiplying with 60 and number_of_words is divided with Time_Interval in order to get words per minute. The return value will give speed which has data type float.
Answer: True
Explanation:Exception error ,which is also known as the fatal error that arises when there is the program execution going-on and the error occurs suddenly to stop the processing, resulting in the abortion of the execution.This erruptional error is responsible for disturbing the execution flow as well as there are chances of the data getting lost or deleted automatically.
weights = []
total = 0
max = 0
for i in range(5):
weight = float(input("Enter weight " + str(i+1) + ": "))
total += weights[i]
if weights[i] > max:
max = weights[i]
average = total / 5
print("Your entered: " + str(weights))
print("Total weight: " + str(total))
print("Average weight: " + str(average))
print("Max weight: " + str(max))
Initialize the variables
Create a for loop that iterates 5 times
Get the values from the user
Put them inside the array
Calculate the total by adding each value to the total
Calculate the max value by comparing each value
When the loop is done, find the average - divide the total by 5
Print the results
The answer is C: Applets.
If you are taking the quiz, my cousin did too! 100% The answer is C: Applets. This question only gives you 1 point though...