The answer is: [B]: speech that is slanderous .
Juneau Alaska
Phoenix Arizona
Little Rock Arkansas
Sacramento California
Denver Colorado
Hartford Connecticut
Dover Delaware
Tallahassee Florida
Atlanta Georgia
Honolulu Hawaii
Boise Idaho
Springfield Illinois
Indianapolis Indiana
Des Moines Iowa
Topeka Kansas
Frankfort Kentucky
Baton Rouge Louisiana
Augusta Maine
Annapolis Maryland
Boston Massachusetts
Lansing Michigan
Saint Paul Minnesota
Jackson Mississippi
Jefferson City Missouri
Helena Montana
Lincoln Nebraska
Carson City Nevada
Concord New Hampshire
Trenton New Jersey
Santa Fe New Mexico
Albany New York
Raleigh North Carolina
Bismarck North Dakota
Columbus Ohio
Oklahoma City Oklahoma
Salem Oregon
where are the statements??
An absolute threshold is the lowest level of stimulus an organism is able to detect, 50 percent (half) of the time. Absolute threshold is majorly used in experimental research to detect stimulus that can be detected by the human five senses which are; taste, sound, sight, smell and touch.
In the case of Matthew, the absolute threshold is taste as he was able to immediately detect the presence of artificial sweeteners in his drink.
I would say trains, airplanes, cars, and list some more inventions that were made long time ago.
hope that this helps you. =)