It was built to keep the people of Berlin inside the country.
I could be wrong though.
it celebrates a day when the French masses rose up against oppression.
Bastille Day is a national festival that takes place in memory of the fall of the Bastille, the historic moment that begins the French Revolution.
The Bastille, or more precisely Bastille Saint-Antoine was a prison and a symbol of the absolute and arbitrary power of the Old Regime of Louis XVI. On July 14, 1789, the protesters took control of the fortress, being the first major intervention of the French people and breaking the absolute power of the king.
For French citizens this event is considered as the symbol of the battle against oppression and hence the importance of the date and the motivation for the whole celebration.
In this period the acclaimed principles of Freedom, Equality and Fraternity - Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, the motto of the Revolution - have so far surpassed the aristocratic, monarchical and religious ideals towards the conquest of new forms of government grounded in democracy.
It was with the French Revolution that the absolutist monarchy, ruler of the country for centuries, was abolished.
Switch to manufacturing military goods and to work hard and fast so they military would always be prepared. Roosevelt also wanted Americans to support the cause of the democracy.
The First Amendment protects their right to assemble and express views through protest.
Both men were nationalist leaders who supported Pan-Africanism.