The cause would be slaves were being treated badly. Used for bad things. Got treated bad
Affect would be the slaves running away. Using the underground railroad
The Norman invasion in the year 1066 is considered to be very significant because it changed England in many ways. This linked England even more with the continent of Europe. It created one of the most strong monarchies in Europe and resulted in the impact and hold of Scandinavian to weaken a lot. This invasion changed the English traditions and language and there were some influence of language of France and it's culture.
Spear-man provided the two-factor theory. He proposed two factors such as S factor and G factor. The s specific factor was related to the specific quality of a person such as a mathematician, musician, singer, player. The G factor or general factor was related to the overall quality of a person. The question is based on the general factor of intelligence. When a person score above average on mathematical aptitude then the person can score above average on verbal aptitude score as well.
High levels of knowing and willful (mis)conduct are what Richard Walker and others at the SEC have argued should be the factor that causes the leadership at an investigated company to "flaunt the law".
The correct answer is: humanistic
The humanistic perspective on personality was developed during the mid-20th century. The two main leading theorists who developed this field of psychology were Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.
Humanistic perspective emphasizes psychological growth, free will and personal awareness. Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs that ranks human needs from the most basic physical needs to the most advanced needs of self-actualization.
Self-actualization refers to the realization of one's full potential and includes creative expression, pursuit of knowledge and search for spiritual enlightenment.