'The Taming of the shrew' talks about complexity of issues in love, marriage and society.
"The Taming of the Shrew" by "William Shakespeare" talks about love, whether it is romantic, platonic or filial. He talks about romantic relationship between a man and a woman when they take interest in each other and decide to get married. Both of them show their romantic side to their partner during the courtship and their love is both romantic and platonic during this time.
The theme 'filial' is depicted in the story when Shakespeare shows how parents play a significant role in life of their children who are about to get married. Lucentio and Bianca loved each other but he got permission to marry her only after convincing her father Baptista that he was very rich.
The following supporting detail is a statistic, "The average life expectancy of a vehicle battery is three to four years."
A statistic is essentially any piece of evidence that comes from a large study of numerical data. Therefore, this can be classified as a statistic.
1. A specific way in which the language describing goals and dreams differs from the one describing difficulties faced along the way is the use of images. When talking about goals and dreams the images convey a positive message by using words that have a positive connotation or that evoke a happy memory such as hope or rising song. In contrast, the writer uses dark images to appeal to negativity when referring to difficulties faced along the way, such as stony road and weary feet.
2. An element of structure that makes the text a lyric poem is the rhyme that at the end of the verses caused by similar ending sounds such as sing and ring. Also, the use of anaphoras (repetition of words at the beginning of the verses) adds musicality to the poem. An example of an anaphora in the poem is the following:
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us.
culture can mean many different things like how peoples dress, eat, religion, celebrates etc. Like we Americans we wear jeans and eat chicken , burgers and some of us believe in god while some believe in other things . culture is very very very important to different parts of the world
In lines 9-12, symbolism is applied through the image of fire. The “glowing” fire signifies the narrator’s dimming youth, as its dull embers will soon expire and turn to “ashes.”
In line 4, Shakespeare uses personification, "sweet birds sang". Birds cannot sing but he was telling us that the birds were chirping and it sounded like a song.
In line 6 and 7, Shakespeare uses personification again. He says, "As after sunset fadeth in the west; Which by and by black night doth take away". This is a personification because the night cannot "take away the sun.
All of these figurative language examples make the poem easier to read and visualize what Shakespeare is saying.