Imagine that you're going to get a dog, whose name is Albert. <u>Your</u> parents tell you that this will show how responsible you're normally, but you don't think that a dog will help prove that. You know you're a responsible person who, occasionally makes a mess here and there, but you're responsible. <u>Your</u> parents, friends, and family, on the other hand, disagree. They think you need to prove <u>your</u> ability to be responsible, so they can buy you a car. The day you get <u>your</u> car, you drive to a random person's house, and drop off Albert. Albert will never forgive you.
“At a very early period she had apprehended instinctively the dual life–that outward existence which conforms, the inward life which questions” (Chopin 13). Her father viewed the world differently from her since she could remember, it served to drive her from his presence
A) A dystopia is a hypothetical future world in which people are conditioned by the government to follow certain career paths and are constantly watched