He sponsored voyages along western coast of Africa - hoped to find Christians, learn about geography and find gold and route to Orient. da Gama and Dias - how did they achieve Portugal goal of entering the Indian Ocean in trade? found water route to Asia and reached India - brought back jewels and spices.
Hope this helps
They supported and spread ideas of Hellenism by creating society inside which art and culture flourished. City of Alexandria became a center of the world during the reign of this dynasty which flourished for almost three centuries.
Although Alexander The Great died in 323 BC his ideals continued to live. His successors managed to continue his path, with more or less success. In that sense Ptolemaic dynasty, that ruled in Egypt did the most. They supported art, culture, library in Alexandria was the largest one in the world. Egypt once more became the center of the world.
Blacks were excluded from voting in state primates