<span>Mesothelioma is a rare cancer primarily linked with asbestos exposure, and it is overwhelmingly a male disease. This is largely because most asbestos exposures occur in blue-collar jobs, traditionally male-dominated work settings. Also, the cancer affects men three to four times more than women. However, most women who develop the fatal disease had secondary or environmental exposure to asbestos. Some experience direct contact with the mineral while on the job, and a few develop the disease without any known exposure.</span>
When faced with a question like this what you should do is read your answer for part A and then read the quote you chose for part B and see if the two add up to make a valid reasoning to support each other.
When in doubt choose c.....
This is known as the printing press they put ink on words and pressed it onto paper this was way faster then writing whole books by hand
it is the sovereign nation-states
A sovereign nation-state is a government body defined by a centralized administration
If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments. - Mark