Basically until you understand yourself and you truly know who you are and what you believe you'll always be know as what other people think about you, because what they say will matter more than what you believe yourself
Here are a few: natural, wholesome, gentle, harmony, alive, vivid, flourishing, ethereal, harsh, unpredictable, survival, captivating
There are many tones that could work depending on your perspective of the poem. Nature can be wild and passionately beautiful, the splendor of lush, crisp grass and the steady trickle of pure and clear water over the smooth pebbles of a stream. Perhaps the biting chill of the first frosts upon aromatic pines encased in tufts of sparkling, fresh snow. All of it, even the heavy, humid whips of wind from a storm or the pelting of harsh bullets of rain, can significantly rouse the minds of poets. ;)
Hope this helps!
What World or phrase best describes or summarizes jefferson's opinión of the main subject
Objective and respectful because she is trying to sway there opinions and her audience is a executive board so they will appreciate factual information.