you have too sight the last name of the author and the page number whether it is a quote or paraphrased. the only time you don't have to is if you include it in the sentence.
Example for when you don't have to cite in text:
On page 13 Martin says, "blah blah bah bluh bleh blah"
... otherwise just put the citation in parentheses after the quote/paraphrase like so: (Martin,13)
Signs That Your Essay is Well Done
Good sign#1: Address the main question in the introduction. Let's start with an introduction paragraph. ...
Good sign#2: Stay focused on the topic
Good sign #3: Use quotes correctly.
Good sign #4: You use formal academic language.
Also-How do you know that you've written or read a great essay?
The essay flows well from one paragraph to the other
Read your essay out loud.
You shouldn't stumble over words or phrases when you read your essay out loud.
If you do stumble, look at your sentence structure and word choices, and revise the bumpy places.
Read your essay out loud again to double-check it's okay.
Explanation: i love both of their music i can't real chose
How did he invent a way to recycle rubber?
ummm, hope this helps...
3.He climbed the trellis to reach the balcony.
Strong nouns help the writer describe and give power to the sentence, this clarifies whet the writer is talking about and how he is talking about it, it describes it better and gives a broader example and a better description of what the writer is talking about. Bland nouns are words that are too simple to describe something, like the colours, green glass building, you already know what are you talking about, but if they tell you swamp colored building, you make a stronger impact on the imagination of your reader.