Mid-14c., "one whose profession is to plead cases in a court of justice," a technical term from Roman law, from Old French avocat "barrister, advocate, spokesman," from Latin advocatus "one called to aid; a pleader, advocate," noun use of past participle of advocare "to call" (as witness or advisor) from ad- "to" (see ...
The repeated sounds that the poet has used in these lines to create the mood of bleak and despair is alliteration.
Beowulf is an epic poem written in Old English, and one of the earliest surviving text.
In lines 207-210, the poet has used the repeated sounds of alliteration to create the mood of bleak and despair.
Alliteration is a device which repeats the same consonant sound at the beginning of a word in the same sentence.
<u>The words are, in which alliterative sounds are used, 'heavy', 'heart', 'hall.'</u>
The poet creates bleak and despairing mood using these words. Bleak means cold and miserable, whereas, despairing means hopeless. Using repeatitive sounds of alliterative words, the poet manages to create this mood of coldness and hopelessness in lines 207-210.
I've always been taught that revising involves checking for spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Basically any kind of improvements. Is this one of those questions where you check all that apply? Revising also includes making sure you have stayed on topic and gives you the chance to remove things that may not really apply or add other things that may have been left out. It's where the writer truly polishes everything up.
I hope this helps.
trans- WORD ORIGIN. a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin (transcend; transfix); on this model, used with the meanings “across,” “beyond,” “through,” “changing thoroughly,” “transverse,” in combination with elements of any origin: transisthmian; trans-Siberian; transempirical; transvalue.