Items 1–10 are each worth two points, for a twenty-point assessment. Each part of a
EBSR is worth 1 point; MSR and TECR items should be answered correctly in full, though
you may choose to provide partial credit. If you decide to have students complete the
constructed response, use the correct response parameters provided in the Answer Key
along with the scoring rubric listed below to assign a score of 0 through 4.
Score: 4
• The student understands the question/prompt and responds suitably using the
appropriate text evidence from the selection or selections.
• The response is an acceptably complete answer to the question/prompt.
• The organization of the response is meaningful.
• The response stays on-topic; ideas are linked to one another with effective transitions.
• The response has correct spelling, grammar, usage, and mechanics, and it is written
neatly and legibly.
Score: 3
• The student underst
The answer for this is A. I didn’t watch it but someone told me about it
<span>pride in battle and death</span>
I will try my best is I can’t so please don’t mind