In Athens, where they were most numerous, they occupied an intermediate position between visiting foreigners and citizens, having both privileges and duties. ... Sign up here to see what happened On This Day, every day in your inbox! ... The state consists, most broadly, of the agreement of the individuals on the means ...
Price indexes define the cost of goods in the entire economy at a given point in time❤
In the United States, the three main factors that make up the system of checks and balances would be the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch, since the goal is to separate these powers so that no single power becomes too powerful.
The correct option is: "Rapid industrialization"
The twentieth century was characterized by advances in technology, medicine and science; the end of slavery in the so-called underdeveloped countries; the liberation of women in most of the Western countries; but more than anything because of the growing development of the industry, converting several countries, including the United States, into world powers.