Simply plug 15/17 into you calculator
and it will give you a decimal, in this case it should be .88235294...
simply move the decimal back to placements and you should have
88.235294... thats still a lot of numbers so just reduce it to 2 places after the decimal and add a percent sign
and your done :) this works for any similar problems
I hope this helps
If the law is basically if unemployment goes up 1% then the GDP goes down 2%, then the unemployment rate going down 3% means the GDP will go up 6%
yes it is an equilateral triangle
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Step-by-step explanation:
phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?phone expenses without taxes. What is the maximum number of minutes Sarah could use her phone each month in order to stay within her budget?

Step one because they didn’t subtract 5 from the value -5/2.